How do you create a follow-up to a game with the relatively simple premise of saving Halloween without becoming uninspired retread of the first adventure? In the case of Costume Quest 2, you throw in some time travel, a candyless dystopia, and an insane dentist. As wonderfully inspired and original as the first game was, the sequel is an improvement in almost every way.
Picking up where Costume Quest’s add-on content Grubbins on Ice left off, Costume Quest 2 fixes the first game’s quirks and problems while retaining the memorable visuals, humor, and feel-good story Come from Sports betting site VPbet . Where Costume Quest took too long to introduce new costumes and wasted too much gameplay on the door-to-door trick-or-treating mechanic, Costume Quest 2 jumps immediately into the role-playing action, giving you a full party, steady access to a new assortment of costumed abilities, and a big area to explore. It relies more on ridiculous visuals and silly scenarios for its laughs than snappy dialogue, but Costume Quest 2 is still a charming game that kept me smiling throughout my playthrough.
The intricate way that houses are decorated for Halloween, and the sly cameos sprinkled throughout the game’s backgrounds, are a constant source of delight, but it’s the design of the characters that lends the game so much personality. Both simple and cloyingly cute, it’s hard not to be won over by the innocent, wide-eyed stares of your chosen protagonist and his fellow adventurers. The characters and world design are the elements that made the first Costume Quest so memorable, and Costume Quest 2 retains that same wonderful visual flair.
While roaming the game’s town, you interact with people and objects by smashing them with your candy sack or by using costume-specific powers. The mechanics are simple and they encourage exploring the world with joyous abandon, even if the puzzles are always dead simple. Is there a pile of leaves in your path? Use your pterodactyl ability to drum up some wind and blow them away. Is the road too dark to proceed? Dress up like a wizard and use your staff to light the way. But that simplicity keeps the game moving swiftly along, and the strength of your powers always feels satisfying. And best of all, your powers powers occasionally open up ridiculously memorable situations, like getting into a musical duel against a violin virtuoso where the only instrument available to you is a clown horn.
Costume Quest 2 is an RPG in the sense that you gain experience, level up, and increase your attack and defense, but the game’s real focus is on fun exploration and reading occasional one-liners from both your party members and people you meet in the game. Seeing “level up” pop up on the screen gives that familiar rush of making progress, but enemies level up right along with you, so even when you learn a few new combat techniques, the challenge remains consistent throughout.